This collection tells about the continuous process of rebirth in nature. Everything on this planet or in other words in nature is constantly renewing itself and nothing disappears anywhere. We are made of the same materials as all of nature and we will return the same materials to nature when life ceases to flow through our bodies. Even the most frozen and black forests are reborn and releases buds. Trees, using the same substances and life forces revive even dead branches and create new formations: leaves, buds, flowers and fruits. Everything that is black and frozen eventually shows color again. A seed can lie dormant for many years until it grows into a tree when it gets into the right environment. That tiny dot creates a powerful force. The little seed gathers so much energy and matter around itself and like a clay sculpture molds the trunk, branches and greenery from those materials. These are miracles that surround us every day.

This collection is slightly different. Rough textures have been replaced with sleek shapes which touch the skin as gently as water. Water is a miracle that you want to constantly explore with your senses. The shapes and textures of the water inspire me all the time. I can really say that I am a water human because to touch the water is a great pleasure to me, to watch its transparency and vibrations an indescribable feeling. I always see water as a creator. I understand its magical internals and I try to feel it more than explain it. With this collection I invite you to feel the water, to watch the play of sunlight in the water, vibrations and splashes of water, to play with air bubbles, but at the same time I want to remind you that water is a very powerful element that are affected by celestial bodies and creates powerful vibrations which affects us very much, because we are water too.

Collection tells about temporality. The fragility of objects the effect of time on each object reveals inevitably no matter how eternal each object seems to us today. With this collection I remind you that everything around you is as temporary as we are. In collection main attention focused on textures that reflect the signs of decay, weathering, overgrowth, and aging that are affected by time. The perception of temporality raises fear and at the same time gives complete freedom, accepting the knowledge that everything in this space will dissipate and return to the universe as absolute peace and further transformation.

Autumn is a time when nature begins to prepare for freezing. Plants transform and show their most beautiful colors. Each plant becomes very different, when previously only in the form of leaves separated them, now color is the main distinguishing feature. Later, the plants themselves become dark and stagnant, leaving only silhouettes in their shape, like black shadows. Autumn is still the time when all plants are covered with drops of water that seem to accelerate their transformation. Colored leaves and mushrooms sown in drops seem to stand out even more. Therefore, in this collection, in order to convey the moisture of autumn, I decorated many of the works with topaz, sapphire, gold and silver drops.
Autumn is not just about colors, now appears one of the strangest plants - mushrooms. Mushrooms are usually attributed to plants, but as they are increasingly studied, animal properties are also attributed to these interesting formations. I was interested in mushrooms that sow their spores inside the animal and use the animal as a spore transport device. The fungus affects the consciousness of the beetles, which causes them to climb as high as possible so that the spores of the fungus are scattered from high up and so the fungus sows more widely. This unexpected and as yet unexplored form of life fascinates me and frightens me at the same time. You can see very different forms of mushrooms, many forms inspire me and remain in the subconscious, which is why it often moves into my creations. More than once in my work you will find amazing incredible forms of these plants and animals.

The jewellery shapes in the collection are reminds expression of space. Space is associated with planets, waves, vortexes, star explosions, and a mystical black hole. All these phenomena have been interpreted using silver and natural stones. Watching this collection I invite you to turn on your imagination and allow yourself to dive into space.

Growth is the transformation, development and spread of life. Growth is mostly related to what is alive. In this collection growth is associated with various forms of plants that change as they grow. From seed to branching, from bud to flowering, from seedling to wrapping. Growth is the dance of life through plants.

Stones are protection and concentrated force energy. For me stones and rocks are peace and stability. The stones and their derivatives are rough, hard, but also peaceful and still. Collection shows roughness of rocks through forms of tools which may use to disrupt hardness of stone. Also stones are celestial bodies that rotate in the same orbit. The collection shows the greatness of stones and peace through the power and calmness of the stone formated mountains.
This collection invites ypu to feel the force of gravity of the stone, to experience it strength and peace.

The collection is about structure and creation of the ocean. Water makes the most excellent shapes of screws, bubbles and vortexes. Created shapes turns, waves, and expresses it selves as the most unusual formation. If the forest is a home, the ocean is a life, it's beginning and structure. The whole planet is covered by oceans, so it is alive. The ocean is water, reflections in it, the underwater world, soluble and polished stones, and the form of water dancing in waves. Empty spaces and transparency are not accidental, water forms often have air insertions, empty spaces symbolize air and water mixing.
This collection invites to experience water life and to dive into the bottom of ocean.

Forest is an entirety and separate parts set at one time. Forest are not only trees, it is so the multiple connection of plants, animals and micro-organisms which keeps sustainable interaction to support perfect balance. Watching nature is the biggest inspiration to create, especially in the forest. Forest is home so everything is intimate.
You get in to the fairytale when enter the forest, that's why forest forms reminds me fairytale characters.
It may be noticed that creator has a particular attention to empty spaces, holes and gaps aiming to make the impression that the jewellery has pores, breathing, and is alive. The human skin or cloth visible through the metal of jewellery gives life to the jewellery and creates a new texture. This collection invites to experience the forest from very close feeling it through the game of forms and colors.