Autumn is a time when nature begins to prepare for freezing. Plants transform and show their most beautiful colors. Each plant becomes very different, when previously only in the form of leaves separated them, now color is the main distinguishing feature. Later, the plants themselves become dark and stagnant, leaving only silhouettes in their shape, like black shadows. Autumn is still the time when all plants are covered with drops of water that seem to accelerate their transformation. Colored leaves and mushrooms sown in drops seem to stand out even more. Therefore, in this collection, in order to convey the moisture of autumn, I decorated many of the works with topaz, sapphire, gold and silver drops. Autumn is not just about colors, now appears one of the strangest plants - mushrooms. Mushrooms are usually attributed to plants, but as they are increasingly studied, animal properties are also attributed to these interesting formations. I was interested in mushrooms that sow their spores inside the animal and use the animal as a spore transport device. The fungus affects the consciousness of the beetles, which causes them to climb as high as possible so that the spores of the fungus are scattered from high up and so the fungus sows more widely. This unexpected and as yet unexplored form of life fascinates me and frightens me at the same time. You can see very different forms of mushrooms, many forms inspire me and remain in the subconscious, which is why it often moves into my creations. More than once in my work you will find amazing incredible forms of these plants and animals.